Templates Business

Client Information Form Template

Features of Client Information Form Template

More Features of Client Information Form Template

Collect client’s info during registration or intake process using this client information form template and make data management easy with SurveySparrow features.

White-label Your Form

Keep your surveys consistent with your company’s voice by customizing the survey’s branding to fit with yours. You can create a custom domain for your survey that has your brand name in it, which will help reinforce your message.

Google Sheet Integration

After a client submits their information through the form, it will automatically be saved to a printable client information sheet. This way, you can easily access it later and refer back to it as needed. Additionally, by taking advantage of Google Sheets’ features, you can segment your clients’ details and offer them more personalized services.

Multiple Sharing Options

Share the form with your clients through multiple ways. Generate a unique sharing link, share it through SMS, and also through email. Customize every element of the email and with just a short code embed it into your email.

Design it to the last pixel

With survey themes, add life to your surveys. Design everything about your survey- background, buttons, color palette, font. Go that extra mile using CSS customization to style the surveys you create to perfection.

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