Templates Business

Real Estate Market Survey Template

Features of Real Estate Survey Template

More Features of Real Estate Survey Template

With SurveySparrow, this real estate survey template is not limited to just a data collection tool. The features help you to present the data insightfully and take strategic decisions to grow your real estate business.

Conversational UI

You can clearly see in the preview above how conversational the real estate questionnaire feels. The questions appear one after the other giving enough time for the respondent to think before answering. With personalized texts between the questions, you can engage the respondents. Use emojis, gifs, pictures to make the survey more engaging. Overall, it contributes to helping you achieve higher conversion rates, thereby helping you get better quality data.

Website Embed

Embed this apartment market survey template on your firm website and strike conversation with your potential customers. Using customization features, give a look to this survey that blends with your website. You can also convert this into a chatbot and embed it on your website. Gather data and plan your marketing campaigns accordingly.

Skip, Display & Choice Level Logic

Make your survey concise using skip, display and choice level logic. Based on the responses to previous questions you can set up logics to ski or display a specific question. The choice level logic enables you to personalize the choices in multiple choice questions based on responses.


While answering the survey there can be multiple reasons to which the respondent might not have been able to complete it. No worries! SurveySparrow helps you set reminders to partial respondents. Once you set it up and type the email content, the platform will nudge the partial respondents through an email and compel them to complete the survey.

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